Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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What matters to Eduardo?

Family: What matters to me is my family because they are the people who always have my back and the ones who raised me. My parents are my teachers, mentors and my best friends who I can rely on and tell everything. My parents are very strict on me, which is good because it is for a reason and the reason is to treat other people with respect and to be an overall good person. Whenever I am in trouble I can just go to them and ask for advice on something I am having trouble with or even confused on. They are very important to me because we get to spend quality time together like on vacation or a weekend activity. Other people in my family that matters to me are my 3 siblings because I am the oldest so I make sure to take good care of them and try to be a good example to them as much as possible. They are fun to be around with although, they get obnoxious at times. My grandparents are the best because they are like my parents but less strict and are more relaxed. They are very nice and spoil me which is unlike my parents. Also, my cousins, aunts, and uncles are really cool people to be around with because they are young and we all get along with each other very well and we are all like friends. Overall these are some of the main reasons why my family matters to me
Friends: Friends really matter to me because they are the people you have a relationship with and the one’s who you spend most of your time with. Over the years I have learned that friends sometimes are one of the most important people in your life or they can be some of the worst people you have encountered. I choose my friends wisely so I try to avoid people that always cause conflicts and fight. I always see my Friends at places including school, neighborhoods, sports teams, and I even have some foreign exchange student friends that come to the US once a year during the summer to see how different their country is forms ours. Friends are very important because without them you wouldn’t have anyone to spend time with or socialize. Another reason why having friends is important is because if you did not have friends in school than your education would be boring because people would not be enthusiastic to wake up in the mornings to go to school. All in all having friends really matters because they basically are your family away from home.

Sports: What matters to me are sports because they are activities that are played to have fun and improve on what you want to do? Sports are very important because they get you in shape and keep kids busy so they do not get into trouble. I love all sports and play many but my favorite sport is soccer because I have played for my whole life and is the one I enjoy the most. Soccer matters to me because it is something I do as much as possible and I would not know what other sport to do if soccer did not exist which is really why I like the sport. My whole family plays soccer so it runs in the family and they enjoy it just as much as I do. Sports matter because they bring kids together that love the same sport and have something in common. In conclusion sports are very important to kids because it gives them a fun activity to do in their spare time; it keeps kids out of the streets, and brings a group of people together to meet new people.

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